All things work together for good to them that love God.
Many people, including Christians, believe that God causes our problems so that we can learn from them. That is not true.
If we think God causes our problems, we see Him as an unloving, vengeful, unkind, wrathful Father, which is contrary to what Scripture says about Him.
Or we may think that we have done something wrong, and that's why God has brought these things upon us. We then feel guilty. We feel unworthy. We feel ever so shameful.
Perhaps we might get into the consciousness of “Why me?” Or, maybe, we get into believing that we, after all, deserve what we are experiencing. When we think either of those ways, we take on the persona of a victim. We might even plead, beg, and implore God to forgive us and to grant us health, better finances, better relationships, etc.
But do you know what? God never has, nor will He ever, cause painful and negative things to happen. The enemy wants us to believe that God does that, because the enemy wants us to take our attention and thoughts off of God and what Jesus did for us, through His shed blood. The enemy wants us to stay “stuck.” He wants us to continue to feel guilty, unworthy, and “You deserve it because, after all, you did this…; you didn't do that…” The enemy tries to make us buy into how we deserve to not experience all that God says about us.
However, and this is BIG: Through the grace of God, and through our faith in Jesus Christ, we now have the power and authority to resist our problems. We are not incompetent, or incapable, of resisting the enemy. We are gloriously proficient in not submitting to the God wannabe.
When we believe in the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, and ask the Holy Spirit to pray for us, we destroy the works of the enemy, so that everything does work together for our good. When we believe in God, love Him, and turn to Him, the Holy Spirit gives us the love, ideas, people, and direction that we need in order to move forward, in victory.
When we allow the Holy Spirit to intercede through us, then we can be assured that, no matter what the enemy brings across our path, God will turn that situation around and work it together for our good. However, the enemy's work is limited, restricted, and bounded by what we allow Him to do through our souls and through our bodies.
Thank You, God, for Your ever-present love and protection in my life. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for showing me what to do and how to do it.
I pray that I always choose to remember that You, Holy Spirit, are always available me and for me, and right within me. I pray that I remember to allow myself to cooperate with You, so that You can accomplish good things for me.
Thank You, Lord, for Your love, Your care, and Your majesty. Thank You that You unfailingly take care of me, and that I can unfailingly count on You to do so.
I love You, Lord. I praise You. I worship You, and I adore You. Thank You, Lord, that I am Yours, and that You are mine.
With sincere and heartfelt gratitude, joy, and peace, I submit this prayer in Jesus' holy and precious name. And so it is. And so I allow it to be, with the help of the Holy Spirit.